Wednesday, February 13, 2008

yay snowdays!

okay so i love days off so so SO so soooo much. The only thing that sucks about them is i can't go anywhere because the roads are too bad. today i woke up and was being all productive cause i actually started my laundry and that has been sooo far overdue its disgusting...and after that all i wanted to do was go over to my boyfriends house cause he has 1. guitar hero and 2. the comfiest futon EVERRR. but i couldn't because the roads were terrible and so is my car in snow/ice. and he lives off boswell aka a huge hill so there was no way he could get out of his house either. boo so now i'm bored cause i'm home alone and there is nothing to do. but i'd take a day bored at home over school any no complaints at all. ps 9 days til DC AHH =D

1 comment:

Brian M. Shaver said...

RockBand > guitar hero
i have a post about it

-Brian Shaver
(America Love it or Leave it)